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Kategori: Okategoriserade
Star Stable available for Mac
After months of tweaking and turning…we are very pleased to announce that Star Stable is now available to play on the MAC.
Celebrating 100 Releases
Today we celebrate 100 successful weekly content releases for Star Stable Online! Star Stable is also celebrating 2 years online!
Quizball Goal! released
Quizball Goal! has been released.
Star Stable is released
We are proud to announce that Star Stable has been released in Sweden.
Visit to play.
Star Stable Trailer Released
The first trailer for the new Star Stable MMO has been released.
Game Connection Europe
We will visit Game Connection Europe in Lyon, France between November 15th and 18th.
Quizball to XBLA and PSN
As previously announced, PAN Vision has founded a Digital section of their games publishing arm, expanding the physical business also into a variety of digital formats. Today PAN and Pixel Tales AB are announcing a cooperation to develop and publish the game QuizBall for the Microsoft XBLA and Sony PSN downloadable platforms.
QuizBall is a concept developed by Pixel Tales. This game will offer a unique combination of game elements challenging the player to master both an action moment as well as showing off their trivia skills. There will be both single player as well as multi-player possibilities.
- We really like the concept presented to us, and we think that the game brings something new and fresh to all different kinds of sports gamers around the world. The game fits very well into our newly formed strategy and we really look forward to working on another project together with Pixel Tales. In our previous co-operations they have showed great abilities to deliver quality content on budget and on time, says Mathias Styrström, Business Manager Digital at PAN Vision.
- We have had this concept in the making for quite some time, and are very eager to put all our ideas into reality. Having worked with PAN Vision before we know they are a trustful partner and that we with our joint experience and creativity can turn this game into the start of what we hope is a long-term franchise concept, says Hannes Kristoferson, Studio Manager at Pixel Tales.
The game is set to be released Q1 2011 on both formats.